Akwamat 1

A healthy environment is largely determined by proper ventilation. And that is certainly true in a boat, caravan, camper or tent trailer. Wood, steel and polyester, are with good reason, impermeable to water. These insulating characteristics cause condensation due to the high humidity levels. Akwamat is the perfect solution to this problem. Akwamat allows for natural ventilation of your mattresses and cushions, and prevents moist and mould.
There’s yet another benefit: the anti-slip surface of Akwamat prevents your cushions or mattresses from slipping. We like to call that a real ‘total solution’. Simply place Akwamat underneath your existing cushions or mattresses. The open structure of Akwamat provides perfect ventilation, keeps your mattress fresh and dry, and makes for a much healthier air quality. Not to mention Akwamat I is made of completely natural materials.
From coconut fibers and pure natural latex we make moisture-resistant and very durable mats, with an amazingly open structure. These coconut fibres, a by-product of the food industry, are usually thrown away. Enkev sustainably upcycles these materials into high quality products, such as Akwamat.